Thinking towards 2030
The disruptions are inherently positive because they feed the soul of knowledge.
CWr Infrastructure
CWr Web3 Extend Technology Package
CWr Multi-Wrapped Algorithm Lib Dev
CWr Smartcoin System Serverware
CWr Blockchain TimeSlot Container
BECOLabs & SmartBlock
Initiatives to promote the adoption of blockchain technology focused on Transactional Intelligence, Tokenization Using Smartcoin and all types of Smart Cryptocurrencies.
Our vision
We see the convergence of blockchain technology and the global expansion markets, where personal, small and corporate businesses will transact worldwide with easy, security, low cost transaction and integrated offering.
The new generation of intelligent currencies, like the smartcoins are the first step, followed by the development of Web3 technologies, AI, IOT, Metaverse and probably others, focused in optimizing personal, small and corporate control transactions and availability of retail offers. This will revolutionize the relationship with customers and employees, favor growth and provide global coverage of products and services. Finally, we hope this will increase economic activity which should operate in a new equilibrium, where banking and regulation will play a relevant role of moderator, giving way to an automated influence on prices based on global demands, precisely because they are not part of the real economy, but means for economic agents to define their agreements.